Tips & Tricks
Getting the most out of Soapbox Mailer with lessons on using it most effectively.
- Preparing Soapbox Mailer for the Lightning Experience
- Recording trackable links in Google Analytics automatically
- How Do I Grant Access to Soapbox Mailer to additional Salesforce Profiles?
- Turning off email notifications to senders for bounces and complaints
- How do I display a specific lookup object field using a Soapbox Mailer merge field
- Can I Merge Fields From Custom Objects Into My Mailer Email?
- Can Soapbox Mailer convert a Word document into an email?
- Can I create an Email Template that looks like the email came from Outlook?
- Does clicking an unsubscribe link automatically ensure the recipient does not receive any future emails?
- How do I track social sharing for an email campaign?
- How do I best manage my Mailer data and data storage in Salesforce?
- Creating a sandbox from production that includes Soapbox Mailer
- How to: Create a list of Bounced contacts for updating
- How do I add attachments to a Soapbox Mailer email?
- How do I send an HTML email that looks like a plain text email?
- How do I exclude spam complaint Contacts from emails?
- How do I exclude unsubscribed Contacts from emails?
- How can I view email metrics for a recipient?
- How can I manually opt-out a recipient from an email campaign?
- How can I manually unsubscribe someone from an email campaign?
- How does Soapbox Mailer handle "via" and "on behalf of" with Amazon SES?
- Difference between Salesforce templates and Soapbox Mailer templates
- Testing an email before sending it
- Where can I find my Amazon SES sending rate (speed)?
- Where can I find how much of my Amazon SES sending quota I've used?
- Where can I find my Amazon SES sending quota?
- How to create a Soapbox Mailer public group of users within Salesforce
- Embedding images to work well on both mobile and desktop email clients
- Where can I view all custom fields used within Soapbox Mailer?
- Soapbox Mailer Amplification explained